Clubhouse - Autumn 1 - Week 1

Date: 7th Sep 2023 @ 4:12pm


What a fantastic, sunny start we have had in Clubhouse!

It has been lovely welcoming some new faces and lots of familiar ones back into club this week and seeing how much everyone has grown over the summer holidays! We have enjoyed listening to all the adventures that everyone went on and all the fun days out that had been had– it sounds like everyone had a lovely time. Even better that the lovely weather has continued this week, although it did mean that we needed ice lollies to help to cool us down (any excuse).

The children have settled really well back into the club routine and the older children have taken it upon themselves to show the new children around. They have been enjoying lots of table top games and activities such as jigsaws, jenga, cat and mouse and beehive.  

The table tennis table has been a big hit and earlier in the week the children requested to have a mini tournament. They organised themselves into teams and together, decided on the rules of the tournament and carefully wrote down each team score. All of them showed fantastic sportsmanship and team work and really followed our ‘enjoy’ value.

As it was a bit too hot to venture outside at the beginning of the week, a few children asked if they could create their own game of dodgeball in the hall. They selected the equipment that they needed and set up the game called ‘dodgeball but with a special twist.’ It was so popular that the children have already asked when they can next play.

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend and we are looking forward to what exciting activities next week has to offer.