Clubhouse - Autumn 1 - Week 5

Date: 5th Oct 2023 @ 3:52pm


We have had a lovely week in Clubhouse!

As the nights are starting to draw in, we have been spending a lot of quality time inside.

The table top games and activities such as cat and mouse, jenga and jigsaws have been extremely popular this week. The children showed great hand-eye coordination and team work to pick the correct pieces and slot them into the right place of the jigsaw to create the finished product.

We also made some autumn playdough this week, following the recipe carefully and discussing what we could add to the playdough to make it autumnal. The children decided to add some orange food colouring and all spice to mix to make it smell and look more autumnal. This sparked the conversation about our senses, the children donned their black thinking caps and connected their learning to their science lessons and thought about their five senses and the variety of autumnal items they could, touch, smell, hear, see and taste.

The shoe shop was open for business this week in our role play area, the sound of tap shoes filled the air as the children measured their feet and tried on different shoes to see which ones fit.

Although the weather is turning, we were still able to venture outside most of this week to burn off a bit of excess steam and play some group games. On the nights where the weather wasn’t so pleasant, we went down to the hall and played a big game of dodgeball – fun was had by all.

We hope you all have a fantastic weekend, see you next week!