Clubhouse - Autumn 1 - Week 6

Date: 12th Oct 2023 @ 3:35pm


And just like that, we are one week closer to half term.

We have had a very autumnal week this week in club. To start the week the children enjoyed decorating their own biscuits in the design of a pumpkin. They selected the right colour icing and then used chocolate chips for the eyes and the mouth. The children thoroughly enjoyed decorating them but they definitely enjoyed eating them more.

On Tuesday, we celebrated hello yellow day which had been celebrated throughout the school day. We drew around a child on a big piece of paper and then together as a team we filled the person with all things that make us unique and special. We continued to work on this throughout the week until every child had added their own drawings and we had our very own unique new member of club.

The children were very excited on Friday to celebrate Alder Hey PJ day. They coloured in some bunting and pictures to decorate club and discussed how they could raise money for Alder Hey.

Outside, the children decided to take part in a mini beast hunt trying to find as many as they could. The children discussed how there are more minibeasts than usual for this time of year and connected their learning back and realised it is because it is much warmer this year than usual.