Clubhouse - Autumn 1 - Week 7

Date: 19th Oct 2023 @ 1:36pm


Where have the last 7 weeks since September gone!  I cannot believe Half Term is finally upon us. 

Despite the weather becoming decidedly autumnal, we have still managed to get outside to burn off our energy.  Our younger members were fortunate to use the Year 1 area, whilst parents evening was on.  They performed on the stage, exercised with Mrs Grayson and played school in the shelter.  Our older children, didn’t miss out and were able to use the play equipment and explore the wooded area outside Year 2.  I think they all enjoyed the change of scene!

Inside the children have enjoyed playing board games, Pop up Pirate; Snakes and Ladders and Chess to name a few.  A giant domino run was created, which nearly spanned across the width of the room.  We have also been honing our speed stacking skills – we have some extremely skilled stackers!

All in all, a busy week, to finish a busy term. 

Have a lovely break everyone.
