Clubhouse - Spring 1 - Week 5

Date: 9th Feb 2024 @ 8:14am


And just like that… it is the end of this half term.

Haven’t  these past five weeks flown by and the fun hasn’t stopped in club.

The children have been very crafty in club this week and have been involved in lots of various craft activities such as Chinese New Year crafts and Valentine’s day crafts. There is nothing the children love more than to create their own designs and crafts using all the different materials and items that we have on offer in club.

Unfortunately, the weather has been against us again this week and we haven’t been able to get outside as much as we would have liked. However, we have still managed to get to the hall to play some group games and hopefully the weather will get better after half term so that we can spend lots more time outside in the fresh air.

We hope that you all enjoy half term and have a lovely week off.

We are looking forward to hearing all about it!