Clubhouse - Spring 1 - Week 4

Date: 1st Feb 2024 @ 3:42pm


We have had another great week this week.

On Tuesday, the weather was nice enough to final venture outside. The children had a great time playing group games such as octopus octopus, what’s the time Mr Wolf and Grannies footsteps. We also got some of the big equipment out and the children burnt some energy whizzing around the playground on the scooters. Hopefully the sunny weather continues and we will be able to get outside more as the weeks go by.

Inside, our small world area has been extremely popular, especially the Sylvanian Family toys. The children showed great imaginative play and acted out different scenarios as they played. They then incorporated the construction toys and built the various Sylvanian families different houses to live in.

The children have shown a lot of independence this week – you can tell we are nearly half way through the year. They have helped with making and giving out snack and the older children decided to become table monitors during snack times. The older children then took charge or their tables and decided on topics of conversation to have during snack time, the older children loved taking the lead and the younger children really enjoyed spending the time with the older children.

We can’t believe that we only have one more week left until half term.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.