Clubhouse - Spring 2 - Week 5

Date: 25th Mar 2022 @ 11:49am


What a beautiful sunny week we have had in Clubhouse!

We have been loving the warm evenings and have spent most of our time outside, creating new games and making the most of the fresh air. Some older children relished in taking the lead and created an exciting basketball game that everyone enjoyed getting involved with. The children were gripped, as they worked together in teams to score the most baskets in as many ways as possible - the more inventive, the better!

Inside, there was a real buzz and enthusiasm for Easter, the children created and decorated some lovely Easter baskets and coloured in some beautiful pictures. After the excitement of the Mother’s Day concert, a lot of the younger children took to the craft table to make some presents for their loved ones for Mother’s Day. There were some extremely creative ideas, and we think the children’s loved ones are in for a treat!

It was lovely to see some old and new faces back in club on Wednesday evening during parents evening, we hope that they enjoyed their time and hopefully they will return to club soon.

See you all next week for our last week before Easter. Just a reminder that afterschool club is not available on Friday 1st April as school is finishing early for the Easter holidays.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and make the most of this weather.