Clubhouse - Spring 2 - Week 6

Date: 1st Apr 2022 @ 10:32am

Easter has finally arrived in Clubhouse this week and what a busy week we have had!

We have had a variety of Easter activities in clubhouse this week and the fun has not stopped! Towards the beginning of the week the children enjoyed making some Easter nest cakes. The older children took the lead and showed great organisation skills. On Thursday, Clubhouse had their very own Easter Egg hunt. The race was on to collect as many straws as possible. The straws were then exchanged for mini eggs and some children were lucky enough to find the mini golden straws which were exchanged for big Easter eggs. The children showed great sportsmanship and had a lovely time helping each other to find the straws.

 As always, the craft table has been a hive of chatter and excitement as the children created their own Easter crafts and cards. Some children used a variety of resources to design their own models and had great pleasure in painting them and adding the finishing touches.

Some children decided to carry out their very own science experiement on Wednesday night. They waned to discover which ball bounced the highest. After making some predictions, they carefully bounced the balls and measure how high they bounced and recorded their findings - what great scientists we have in TSP!

The colder weather has not stopped us this week and the children are still enjoying their time outside. The children helped to pant some plants and have taken great pride in making sure that they are watered daily -  let's hope they last the Easter holidays!

We hope you have a lovely Easter break and we are looking forward to seeing you all soon.