Clubhouse - Summer 2 - Week 1

Date: 9th Jun 2022 @ 2:26pm

!Clubhouse S2 W1.JPG

We have had a lovely first week back in school!

It was lovely to welcome everyone back into Clubhouse this week and hear about all of the exciting things that they got up to over the half term. We can’t believe we are in the final half term, if the weeks are as quick as this one, then summer will be here before we know it!

After lots of requests form the children, we have spent most of our evenings playing on the field. The children really enjoy having so much space to run around and play in and the sunny evenings have definitely made this more enjoyable for everyone.

Inside, the children have enjoyed playing in the role play area, small world area and especially the construction area. As always, the children have showed off their amazing creative skills and constructed some spectacular models by working together – team work makes the dream work.

The children have been playing a variety of table top games this week which they have been selecting and playing, a few favourites have been battleships, guess who and the headband game. They all got our minds working and helped to build on our resilience.

As the weather was not so nice on Thursday, the children suggested having a film night. The children got cosy with a cup of hot chocolate and chose to watch Paddington Bear 2. They all loved it and have asked if we can have film nights more often!

We can’t thank all of the children enough for all of their help in club, every night the children are extremely eager to help with the preparation and setting up of snack and with any other jobs that there are to do.

Just a quick reminder to make sure that the children’s names are on all of their belongings as we don’t want anything getting lost in club as there are so many children that now attend.

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!