Nursery - Autumn 1 - Week 1

Date: 9th Sep 2022 @ 3:56pm




What an amazing first week back! We can't believe how well the children have settled in.

This week the children have enjoyed exploring the equipment and activities such as the bikes, the pirate ship, drums and mud kitchen. We have had so much fun!

We found a special parcel on Thursday and string all around the classroom. Inside was a book called 'The Invisible String' by Patrice Karst. We talked about how the people we love are always connected to us no matter where we are. The children then made two bracelets, one for them and one for someone they love. 

After a very busy week, we spent some time on Friday afternoon reflecting on what we have enjoyed doing and shared some news.

Wishing you all a relaxing weekend!

From Miss Dalley and the Nursery team.

Quick reminders:

Tuesday is PE day, so please remember that the children are to come to school in trainers.

If you haven't done so already, please can you send the children in with their labelled puddle suit and wellies.

Please can you make sure that all the children's belongings are labelled clearly with their name.