Nursery - Autumn 1 - Week 6

Date: 9th Oct 2023 @ 5:58pm

Autumn1 Week 6.jpeg


Gosh, we cannot believe how quickly this half term if flying by, the children have all settled well and we are incredibly proud of all of them

This week we have enjoyed a visit from Caroline for a Godly Play session. Caroline enjoyed talking to the children about ‘The Creation’, we discussed what we liked about the world and how important it is to look after it. We discussed one way we could help look after the world was to pick up litter and feed the birds during the winter time. Thank you, Caroline we love it, when you come to visit.

On Monday the children enjoyed another Forest school session with Mrs Bevin. They took their seats and recapped our Forest School rules. The children were asked to collect leaves from the floor and use these to make leaf towers. The children then discussed the different shape, sizes and colours of the leaf tower they had made!

The children have continued to explore their Autumn treasures and discuss the different items they have found. They have also enjoyed different autumnal activities such as leaf rubbing and learning a song all about Autumn leaves falling down. Many thanks to everyone for returning the bags of Autumn treasures as the children have really enjoyed this.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Mrs Molloy, Mrs Bevin and the Reception team


Tuesday 17th and Wed 18th October – Parent Teacher meetings

Wednesday 18th October: WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Friday 20th October – Finish for Half Term

Monday 30th October – Return to School