Nursery - Autumn 2 - Week 5

Date: 29th Nov 2023 @ 1:30pm

Autumn2 Week 5.jpeg


What a very busy week we have had! The children have been working very hard learning lots of different Christmas songs for the sing-a-long, they can’t wait to perform them for you.

The children have continued to learn about ‘People who Help Us’. This week the focus has been on Doctors and Nurses, we were lucky to have a visit from Doctors - Dr and Dr Cosgrove. They talked to the children all about their job and what to expect when you visit a Doctor and what equipment they have in their doctor’s bag. We were also lucky to have a Facetime with Nurse Jess who told them all about the role of a Nurse within a Hospital, the children were able to ask lots of different questions.

On Friday the children were treated to a ‘Christmas Extravaganza’ in the school hall, there were lots of activities, games and stalls for the children to visit and enjoy. They were even able to visit Santa where he gave them a selection box as they chatted to him about their Christmas list. A ‘Big’ thank you to team TSP for organising this for the children.

Please can you ensure your child has a warm coat in school at all times and that it is clearly labelled with their name, thank you


Wednesday 6th December – 9.30am and 2pm - Nursery Sing-a-Longs

Wednesday 13th December - Christmas WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Friday 15th December – Christmas Jumper and Party day

Tuesday 19th December – School Finish @1pm