Nursery - Autumn 1 - Week 7

Date: 13th Oct 2023 @ 4:11pm

Autumn1 Week 7.jpeg


Well done Nursery what a fabulous half term we have had. Lots of fun, laughter and friendships made. 

On Wednesday the children attended the final WOW service of the half term, Caroline talked to the children about creation and looking after God's animals as we move through the seasons to winter time. Thank you, Anne and Caroline we will see, you after half term.

On Monday the children enjoyed another Forest school session. They took their seats and recapped on our Forest School rules. Then using the story of ‘It was a cod Dark Night’ by Tim Hopgood as a stimulus, the children were given a small ball of Mud Dough  and asked to collect natural resources such as leaves and small sticks to create their own Hedgehog, they looked fabulous.

The children then continued to explore the story more in the classroom, we talked about Hibernation and how many animals are collecting food and making homes for a big winter sleep. We also discussed different nocturnal animals such as bats and Owls. 

After half term our PE day will continue to be on a Tuesday, please can your child wear trainers on this day.

Please see or updated virtual classroom attached to this blog if you would like to explore any of the themes we will be exploring after the half term.

We hope you have a fabulous half term.

Mrs Molloy, Mrs Bevin and the Reception team


Monday 30th October – Return to School

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