Nursery - Autumn2 - Week 7

Date: 13th Dec 2023 @ 11:07am

Autumn2 Week 7.jpeg

What a wonderful time we have had. We have spent the week baking mince pies and finishing off making cards and gifts for family and everyone is very excited!

We continued to think about Christmas and how it is a time we celebrate Jesus’ birthday. The children also enjoyed attending our Christmas WOW service on Wednesday where they gave another fantastic performance of a couple of their songs from the ‘Sing-a-long’. Thank you to Caroline and Anne for all their help and support this year.

We have continued to be entertained by our class Elf ‘Olaf’ who has been up to mischief in the classroom. The children have been excited to see where he is hiding every morning and what story he has brought for them to share together.

Friday was Christmas jumper and Christmas Party day; the children came to school wearing their own clothes and a Christmas jumper. We had fun playing lots of party games and eating party food. What a super way to end the week!

Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to a couple of days next week, full of fun and excitement before we finish for Christmas on Tuesday!

Please can you ensure your child has a warm coat, hat and gloves in school at all times and that it is clearly labelled with their name, thank you.


Tuesday 19th December – School Finish @1pm