Nursery - Spring 1 - Week 5

Date: 2nd Feb 2022 @ 2:26pm



WOW, the weeks are flying by in Nursery. We cannot believe it is February already and nearly half term!

On Monday, the children headed to Forest school. This week the children hunted for the characters of the story in their favourite houses. We then retold the story of the Gruffalo using the characters, using repetitive phrases and language from the book. What great storytellers we had! The children have continued to retell the story of ‘The Gruffalo’ using the story tuff tray. 

We have also celebrated Chinese New Year, there were lots of different activities for the children to take part in throughout the week. As it is the year of the Tiger, they had the opportunity to create their own tiger pictures. There was a Chinese banquet, where the children tasted different Chinese food including spring rolls and vegetable rice. The children baked moon cakes, learnt how to write Chinese numbers and even took part in a movement and dance related to Chinese New Year! What fun we have had learning about this celebration.

This week we have also celebrated 'National Storytelling Week'. The children enjoyed listening to favourite stories, choosing their own books and sharing stories with their friends. It is lovely to see how much the children are immersing themselves with books and developng a love for reading! Well done Nursery.

Have a fabulous weekend,

Mrs Bevin and Mrs Molloy


PE will continue to take place on Tuesday's after half term.

Half Term Monday 14th – Friday 18th February

Wednesday 23rd February – WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church