Nursery - Spring 1 - Week 6

Date: 9th Feb 2022 @ 1:46pm


Well we can’t quite believe it is half term. What an amazing few weeks we have had!

This week has been all about spreading love and happiness linked to Valentine’s day, we listened to the story ‘Guess How Much I Love You?’ and discussed who we love and how we show them we love them. This also linked to children’s Mental Health week, during snack time the children have talked about how they are feeling, we also discussed how it is good to talk to each other about our feelings.

This week for Forest School, the children worked in groups and created a heart using lots of different natural materials they found. Each group’s heart looked fantastic! There have also been lots of other love themed activities happening around the classroom, they have made Valentine’s cards, love bug biscuits and even made different love potions in the water play. The children have made their own heart from clay and added a smaller heart in the middle using their thumb prints, they look amazing and we hope you like them!.

On Tuesday we celebrated Safer Internet day by listening to the story ‘Digi Ducks Big Decision’ and discussing how we must stay safe online and who we tell if we have a problem. If you would like any further information about this please see our Online Safety section of the school website or click here

Love Reading have launched their 'top book picks' for this month. More, highly-rated children's reads, from a variety of authors for different age ranges, are shared with us all to enjoy.

We have also updated our virtual classroom for next term, which is attached below.

Have a fabulous half term and we can’t wait to have more adventures together after the holidays.

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team


Half Term Monday 14th – Friday 18th February

Wednesday 23rd February – WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Thursday 3rd March – World Book Day


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