Nursery - Spring 2 - Week 2

Date: 28th Feb 2024 @ 5:25pm


Ahaargh me hearties! What a swashbuckling week we have had!

On Wednesday we went to Church for our WOW service where we celebrated ‘Mother’s Day’. The children have really enjoyed learning the different songs that they performed for the special people in their lives and Caroline spoke about why Mother’s Day is celebrated in Church. Thank you all for coming and we hope you enjoyed it.

We have continued to learn all about Pirates and spent the week looking at Pirate ships and the different features of them. We also looked at pictures of different boats such as a ferry, sailing boat, canoe. Spending time discussing, what is the same and different about the boats. The children then used the junk modelling to make their own boats and then using the water tray explored whether they would float or not.

On Tuesday we were very excited as it was our Pirate day we took part in lots of different Pirate themed activities such as walking the plank, scrubbing the decks, our pirate fitness challenge getting to skull island, mastering and handling our sword and finally our treasure hunt looking for gold coins that we could eat!!

Well done Nursery!

Mrs Molloy, Mrs Bevin and the Nursery Team


As of Wednesday 4th March – PE will be on a Wednesday please ensure the children are wearing Velcro trainers.

Wednesday 6th March – Mother’s Day Present Room

Thursday 7th March – World Book Day