Nursery - Spring 2 - Week 5

Date: 23rd Mar 2022 @ 10:50am


Simply WOW, Nursery you are amazing.

On Wednesday, the children were very excited to invite their Mums, Grandmas and carers into the Nursery class to perform for Mother’s Day. The children have been busy rehearsing a special dance to the song ‘Mamma Mia’, we are sure they blew you away with their amazing talent of fantastic dancing and singing. They also enjoyed performing their special songs and presenting daffodils at the end. We do hope you enjoyed the performance as much as the children and we wish you all a relaxing Mother’s Day!

The children were very excited to welcome Caroline to the class on Thursday as she came to deliver her Godly Play all about Easter. Thank you Caroline for all of your hard work and we look forward to seeing you at our Easter wow service next week.

This week as part of Forest School, we enjoyed working together in groups and creating shelters so we can take cover from the spring showers if we need too.

We have also continued to learn all about spring, following on from our visit to Windmill Farm the children have enjoyed talking about the different animals they saw. This led to us learning all about animals and their babies, we played a special game where we had to name the different baby animals, and it was great fun! We also talked about the seasonal changes in nature, described the weather associated with spring, found out about how the day length varies and learnt about spring around the world. What a busy week!


Don’t forget the clocks ‘spring forward’ this weekend and we hope you have a lovely peaceful and relaxing Mother’s Day,

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team


Wednesday 30th March – Parent Teacher Meetings in school hall

Thursday 31st March – WOW service and Easter Bonnet Parade 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Friday 1st April – Term Ends 1pm