Nursery - Summer 2 - Week 3

Date: 22nd Jun 2022 @ 2:23pm



WOW! The weeks are flying by and we are having the best time in Nursery.

On Friday Morning we were excited to welcome Caroline to the class who came to tell the children a story from the Bible through ‘Godly Play’. This week she talked about 'Prayer' Thank you to Caroline we do love it when she visits

On Tuesday we took part in a sport relief ‘Lap of Hope’. This was to celebrate this summer’s Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games, National Sports Week and National Music Day. The children completed a few laps around the outdoor area carrying a decorated purple heart in hand, this represented our school value of Hope. The children also thought about what they hope the world would be like in the future.

We have started a new theme all about ‘Toys’ and on Wednesday were left a challenge from Fuzzy the Bear where we had to find all of the different jigsaw pieces and then work together as a team to put them back together again. The children then enjoyed looking at the jigsaw and discussing all of the different toys they could find. The children are really enjoying talking about toys and we can’t wait to see where are learning takes us!

The caterpillars are still with us and growing bigger each day, they certainly are like ‘The Hungry Caterpillar!'

Have a fabulous weekend.

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team



Please send into school a clearly labelled sun hat and sun cream

  • Wednesday 29th June – Sports Day 9:15am
  • Wednesday 29th June WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church
  • Wednesday 13th July WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church
  • Friday 15th July Term ends @ 1pm