Reception - Autumn 1 - Week 2

Date: 14th Sep 2023 @ 4:04pm


This week for RE, the children thought about what makes them special and unique. The children have enjoyed listening to a story called ‘You are very special’ and we talked about how God loves us all the same. The children then explored a ‘chatterbox’ of items where we explored different items that we may own which are unique to everyone. The children then made their own mirror and decorated it using different mark making techniques with crayons.

On Thursday we took part in an amazing circus themed art lesson with ‘Outline arts’. The children experimented with painting and mark making techniques using different materials. Then then were able to create their own art work which will be put together to make a circus tent! This will be displayed in the school hall along with the art work from the other classes. Thank you so much to Outline Arts for a fantastic workshop!

On Friday we celebrated ‘Dot Day’, where all the children came to school in their lovely spotty clothes. Together we read the story ‘The dot’ and discussed how we can all make our own individual mark. The children then created their own mark on a long piece of paper and we played a game of ‘find the dot’ by searching for circular items in our environment. The children then decorated their own dotty biscuit to take home. To finish a fun and busy day, our Year 6 buddies came to play with us. What a brilliant day we have had.


A poster containing 100 recommended reads for Reception children has been attached to this blog. By providing 100 quality texts at an age appropriate level, this list may be useful when choosing your child's next book. We hope it inspires the children to continue on in their reading journeys whilst further encouraging a lifelong love of books and stories.

Please can you ensure that your child has wellingtons and an all in one puddle suit in school so that they can access the outdoor area and Forest school.


Tuesday 19th September - Individual Photographs

Wednesday 20th September – Reception phonics meeting - 3:20pm in the Reception classroom

Tuesday 26th September - Circus Event

Wednesday 27th September – Harvest WOW service @ St Peter’s Church 2pm


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