Reception - Autumn 1 - Week 5

Date: 4th Oct 2023 @ 1:56pm


What a busy week we have had in Reception!

This week in RE the children enjoyed discussing their favourite fruit. We looked at the globe and found out where different fruits come from across the world. We then discussed how they get from across the world into our shops by plane or boat. We then enjoyed tasting some different fruits. Delicious!

On Thursday, we celebrated 'National Poetry day'. First the children enjoyed listening to a poem called ‘Autumn Days' by a poet called Brenda Williams. We then closed our eyes and imagened that we were outside on a windy autumn day and thought about what we might see and hear. We then made a list of Autumn words that rhyme and made our own class poem. Well done everyone!

This week the children have been learning about the Autumn season and together we read a story called ‘Little Gooses Autumn’ by Elli Woollard. We discussed that changes that we see outside in the Autumn and explored some Autumn treasures. The children then enjoyed making their own Autumn leaf collage and hedgehog paintings. Brilliant work everyone!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and see you all next week.

Miss Dalley and the Reception team.



Friday 13th October – Alder Hey Pyjama Day

Tuesday 17th and Wed 18th October – Parent Teacher meetings

Wednesday 18th October - WOW service at St Peters Church 2pm

Friday 20th October – School finishes for half term.