Reception - Autumn 2 - Week 2

Date: 9th Nov 2023 @ 4:27pm


As part of our theme ‘Special People’ we talked about different people in our community who help us. We discussed how the police, doctors, nurses, vets, dentists, teachers and people that deliver the post are such important people in our community for many different reasons. The children then thought of ways that we could thank these special people for looking after us.

This week we have also started our theme ‘The Gingerbread Man’, we were very excited to find the home corner had been turned into ‘Gingerbread Cottage’. We have enjoyed listening to the story and identifying the different characters whilst retelling the story through our play.

The children have enjoyed learning about ‘Remembrance Day’ and why we celebrate it. The children enjoyed lots of different activities such as making poppies from loose parts and paper plates, creating a soldier out of different pieces of paper and making poppy biscuits. The children also took part in a 2 minutes silence where they had time to think about and remember all of those who have been injured or died at war.

In Maths this week, we recapped what sorting meant and the children have been learning all about circles and triangles. The children had to describe the shapes and the different properties of them. We learnt that a triangle always has three sides and three corners. The children also began to recognise that a triangle can come in various forms. Well done everyone!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and see you next week.

Miss Dalley and the Reception team



Friday 17th November – Children in Need – more information to follow

Wednesday 22nd November – WOW Service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church