Reception - Autumn 2 - Week 3

Date: 16th Nov 2023 @ 4:38pm


On Friday Caroline came into Reception to talk to the children about Kindness and the different ways we can be kind to one another. She talked about how God wants us all to look out for one another and show care and kindness to those around us. Thank you to Caroline for a lovely Godly play session.

It was ‘Kindness week’ in school this week and we listened to a lovely story called ‘Kindness is my superpower’. We discussed the different things we could all do to show kindness to others. This week our school kindness video was launched. The children have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the production and watching the final video. If you haven’t already seen it, please follow the link .The children enjoyed working with their year 6 buddies to create a special ‘kindness heart’ which they added notes for kindness to and they decided between them who they would give them to. What a lovely time we had with our Year 6 friends. We also had a very special surprise visit from some of our friends in Year 3 who came and played games with us outside. What kind friends we have in our school.

In Maths we have been looking at different ways to show ‘4’ and ‘5’. The children went on a hunt around the room to find things that they could find and we discovered that there are so many different representations. Well done everyone!

On Friday we talked about 'Children in Need' and how we raise money to help children all over the UK. We talked about how 'Children in Need' works very hard to make children smile. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend and see you all next week.

Miss Dalley and the Reception team 

Please can you ensure that all uniform, coats and belongings are clearly labelled with your child’s name.



Wednesday 22nd November – WOW Service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Thursday 23rd November – Team TSP Christmas Present Room

Friday 1st December - Team TSP Christmas Movie and Christmas Extravaganza

Friday 8th December – Reception Nativity (9:20am and 1:20pm)