Reception - Autumn 2 - Week 6

Date: 8th Dec 2023 @ 8:07am


Reception you are amazing! We are so proud of each and every one of you for performing in the Nativity play. You all worked so hard and really did shine. We hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did. Thank you to all the parents at home for their support helping the children learn their lines, what super stars they are.

The children have been thoroughly enjoying finding where our elf ‘Twinkle’ has been hiding each morning. We have discovered she is quite a mischievous elf. She even dressed as an angel to try and be part of our Nativity play. Each day Twinkle kindly brought a Christmas story for us all to enjoy. Thank you Twinkle!

This week, the children have been using the post office area to write letters to Twinkle that include questions. We then came together and thought of different questions we could ask her including, ‘What is it like in the North Pole’ and ‘Do you have any elf friends?’. We were amazed to find that Twinkle had written back to us. We loved finding out about your very important job as an elf.

We hope you all have a lovely restful weekend and see you all next week.

Miss Dalley and the Reception team



Wednesday 13th December - Christmas WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Friday 15th December – Christmas Jumper and Party day

Tuesday 19th December – School Finish @1pm