
Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 8:19pm



What a fun filled, busy time we’ve had this week!  We can’t believe it’s February already!

We began our week learning about Chinese New Year.  We listened to the story of the Jade Emporer and the animals and how people celebrate by decorating their homes.  The children have then spent time during the week making lanterns, dancing dragons, practising writing Chinese numbers and we enjoyed a mini-Chinese banquet to taste some traditional Chinese food!

On Monday the children arrived in class to find a packed suitcase and a message from Hattie Peck!  She was asking for the children to help her hatchlings pack for their final adventure.  We have seen some fantastic ideas of suitcase essentials and some even more fantastic independent writing from the children.  They have shown such pride in what they have achieved.

Our RE learning continues to learn about stories Jesus told.  We read the story of The Good Shepherd and considered how it feels to be lost or to have lost something special.  The children reflected on their own experences and then the qualities of a good shepherd and how God cares for us all.

This week we celebrated National Story Telling Week.  This gave us the opportunity to explore even more stories during our day!  The children then wrote their own stories using prompt cards and their own ideas which we recorded as a story map.  It was fantastic to then see the children independently creating new tales and adventures with their friends, documenting them in our big story book or mini books.  We have a class of budding little authors! 

The children were excited to go to forest school again this week.  They played hide and seek, used natural objects in a maths challenge and were excited by further signs of spring which had appeared since last week. 

Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Mrs Mallett

Reception Reminders

Tuesday 8th February – Forest School – Please send your child in with a hat and gloves.

Monday 14th – Friday 18th February – Half term

Wednesday 23rd February – WOW service 2pm at St Peter’s Church