Reception - Spring 2 - Week 2

Date: 3rd Mar 2022 @ 8:54pm


We have had a fantastic week in Reception!

We began our week exploring pancakes and pancake day, enjoying a pancake treat on Tuesday with our friends!  It was lovely to hear the children chatting about their favourite toppings and what they were hoping to enjoy on their pancakes at home! 

On Ash Wednesday we discussed Lent, and how Jesus suffered in the desert.  The children took their time to consider what they could ‘give up’ for Lent and we had many suggestions, ranging from Barbie Dolls to chocolate!

During our Maths learning this week we have recapped our understanding of the days of the week and comparing heights and lengths.  I have been so impressed with the children’s knowledge and application of this knowledge and how their reasoning skills are improving each week. 

We were so lucky this week to have some amazing experiences with our music teacher from Formby High, a trip to Forest School, a music session with Music In Unison and our first dance session, also from Formby High.  The children were so enthusiastic and picked up the dance routine really quickly – we cannot wait to show you during our Mother’s Day Celebration at the end of the month!

Thursday was World Book Day and a huge thank you to all parents and carers for the fantastic costumes for the children.   They were so excited to share their favourite books with each other as well as their Year 6 buddies and we had a wonderful day, reading, listening to and creating stories.

Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Mrs Mallett and the Reception Team

Reception Reminders

Wednesday 9th March – Dance (Children to come to school wearing trainers please)

Wednesday 23rd and 30th March – Parent Teacher meetings

Friday 25th March – Mother’s Day Celebration 9am (School hall)

Thursday 31st March – WOW Service Easter Bonnet