
Date: 10th Mar 2022 @ 8:30pm


What a busy time we have had in Reception this week!

We have continued our learning of the Easter story by hearing about Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem on a donkey.  The children showed great empathy when we talked about Judas and how his betrayal would affect Jesus.  We also took the opportunity to think about love, and what it means to us.

Tuesday was International Women's Day.  We were able to think about how women have challenged gender equality and we put ourselves in the shoes of women like Rosa Parks and Mary Anning to imagine how they may have felt. 

This week the children have been learning about speech bubbles and how we can use them in our writing and storytelling.  We have seen some great examples of what the children would say to the bear in our book, 'Silly Doggy' and I have been so impressed with the children's use of their phonic knowledge in their writing. 

The focus of our maths learning has been the numbers 9 and 10 with the children exploring different ways of making these numbers and using part-whole models.  They have loved coming to the front and being mini teachers to the class, telling us what they can see and explaining their reasoning!

This week the children used their forest school time to help in our outdoor area.  They worked so well together, moving stones and soil to create a small world area and fill up planters ready for us to grow some exciting plants over the coming months.

The children have really enjoyed their time this week with our music and dance teachers from Formby High.  A real highlight was to seem them all dancing 'under the sea'!  Our Music in Unison session was fantastic as well.  The children were captivated by Tara's flute and showed great rhythm on the drums!

Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Mrs Mallett and the Reception Team

Reception reminders

Wednesday 16th March – Dance (Children to come to school wearing trainers please)

Wednesday 23rd and 30th March – Parent Teacher meetings

Friday 25th March – Mother’s Day Celebration 9am (School hall)

Thursday 31st March – WOW Service and Easter Bonnet parade at St Peter's Church (2pm)