Reception - Spring 2 - Week 4

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 8:19pm


What another busy week for Reception!

In the build up to Easter we have continued our learning of the Easter story, considering how Jesus may have felt.  We have used a wonderful book called The Easter Story by Brian Wildsmith, which has told the story through the eyes of the donkey that Jesus rode into Jerusalem, which has given the children a different perspective to the story of Easter.

It has been a fantastic week for our maths.  The children have shown wonderful skills in subitising and their understanding of numbers to 10.  We have played bingo, sung songs and risen to the challenges set!

This week has been British Science week, with the theme of 'Growing'.  We set up a potion making station which has proven popular all week, with the children mixing colours, scents and sparkles to make growing potions as well as their own creations.  The children were excited to make their own mini cress heads with the seeds sprouting overnight!  The observations and language used by the children has been fantastic and I hope they are all able to try some cress in a few days time.  We also had some wonderful discussions about how we have grown since being born and thought about what we can do now compared to when we were a baby.  The class then worked in pairs to do some observational drawings of each other.

Friday was all about Red Nose Day.  We made sure we had fun whilst remembering why we fundraise and who needs it most.  The children loved wearing their noses – thank you to all who have donated.

Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Mrs Mallett and the Reception Team


Reception reminders

Wednesday 23rd March – Dance (Children to come to school wearing trainers please)

Wednesday 23rd and 30th March – Parent Teacher meetings

Friday 25th March – Mother’s Day Celebration 9am (School hall)

Thursday 31st March – WOW Service Easter Bonnet