Reception - Spring 2 - Week 4

Date: 13th Mar 2024 @ 1:25pm

WOW! Reception you we are so proud of how amazing you are all doing!

On Thursday we celebrated British Science Week, this year the theme was ‘time’. Reception created their own four seasons painting to show how the weather changes over time across the year. We first discussed what differences we would notice in each season and then discussed how we could show this on our painting using different colours and textures. What amazing art work everyone! 

As it is Brain Awareness week, we have enjoyed learning all about the brain. We discussed where the brain is located, what we need a brain for and how we keep our brain healthy. We the found links to our school values of ‘Hope’ and ‘Imagine’. This then lead onto a conversation about how to keep our bodies healthy and why sleep is so important. We then talked about our night time routine and why each step is important for example, brushing our teeth. 

On Friday we were lucky to be joined by Emma from ‘Tappy toes’ for a fantastic dance session which linked to our current PE topic. The children had so much fun! Thank you so much for a lovely afternoon.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and see you all next week!

Miss Dalley and the Reception team


Wednesday 27th March – FS Easter WOW Service and Easter Bonnet parade at St Peter’s Church at 2pm.

Thursday 28th March – Break up for the Easter holidays 1pm

Monday 15th April – Return to school