Reception - Summer 2 - Week 2

Date: 14th Jun 2023 @ 9:29pm



We hope you all had a fabulous weekend and are enjoying the sunshine!

For RE this week we continued to learn about our theme of ‘Prayer’. We learnt about how we can use our hand to help us to pray using each finger for a different meaning, for an example the thumb because it is closest to you when you look at your hands reminds us to pray for people we love. The children then enjoyed drawing around their hands and talking about the ‘five finger prayer’.

We are loving our theme of ‘Superheroes’. This week we watched a short film about 10 rules of a superhero, we then asked the children to think about if they could have a super power what their superpower might be and why they would like to have that power. The children described to their friends how they would use their powers, what fun we had!

We have also spent the week thinking about Father’s Day and the special father figures in their life. We made a card and a special gift to share with our Father’s / father figures and talked about what makes them so special.

We have also taken advantage of the lovely weather this week and enjoyed lots of water play, watering our plants and cold ice pops for snack!

We wish you all a lovely weekend!

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Reception team



Please ensure all children have a sunhat, sun cream and a filled water bottle in their bag daily.

Wednesday 21st June – Class trip to Martin Mere

Wednesday 28th June – Reception Sports Day @ 9.30am on the school field.

                                          WOW service 2pm @St Peter’s Church

Friday 30th June – Summer Fair

28th – 30th June – Scholastic Book Fair

5th July – Super Hero dress up day