Year 3-Spring 2 - Week 6

Date: 30th Mar 2022 @ 10:35pm


What an EGG-cellent final week of term!

The highlight of our week, has to be our incredible Easter performance at Holy Trinity Church. After weeks of practicing lines, actions and singing we brought it all together on Tuesday for our final dress rehearsal ready for Thursday’s grand performance, and what a performance it was! A huge congratulations to the whole of Year 3, you certainly did yourself proud!

In English, we started our week by reading though our draft leaflets, purple penning mistakes and adding a range of language to ensure that our writing had been written to the highest level. After our reflection period, we then added this to our ‘Author Books’, we had to take our time to carefully think about our handwriting as again we were using pen!

In Spanish, our lessons concluded, recapping the 10 key musical instruments and Spanish phases linked to coordinating and playing them accordingly. We also tackled our computing topic which was all about computers and keyboards, familiarising ourselves with the Google Slide platform as well as the importance of quick typing skills and computing shortcuts.

We absolutely loved completing our DT project ‘Moving Monsters’ using a range of resources to produce our own unique creations. We started this project by designing our monster and crafting a prototype to assess what works and what doesn’t, focusing on areas to improve. Later that afternoon, we created our final product before evaluating what we not only liked and disliked but also things that we would improve next time.

For any children looking to complete any additional work over half term, please see our virtual classroom which can be found on our Google Classroom. Finally, I want to wish you all a happy Easter, filled with fun, love and laughter (and hopefully lots of chocolate!)


  • Year 3 PE lessons will take place on Wednesday and Friday each week after half term. Please ensure your child attends school in their PE kit every Wednesday and Friday.
  • Please bring in any recycled materials after half term to support our mural creation as part of Earth Day.