Year 1 - Autumn 1 - Week 1

Date: 7th Sep 2022 @ 10:18pm

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What an amazing start to our new school year! We have had the most wonderful few days getting to know about our new year group and settling into our new classroom.

We had a very exciting start to Year 1, when an unusual package was delievered to our classroom! We were eager to find out what was inside and were thrilled to find Disney's 'Encanto' DVD and a special message from the Madrigal family. We soon learnt that the family were in a little bit of bother and needed our help to save their magical house, through special challenges linked to our school values. For every challenge completed, a new magical door was opened, saving the miracle candle. Year 1 were very excited about their mission and could not wait to get started!

We used our school value 'Serve' to think like Mirabel and how her actions are similar to Jesus', spreading kindness and love to not only her family but the world. We then had to walk in Jesus' footsteps and think of how we could make the world a better place, showing respect and love. We then focused on our values 'Hope' and 'Nurture' for our next two missions; being brave and corageous like Isabella who branched out to try new things and get better; and Louisa for recognising her special qualities, whilst recognising our own. We were delighted to hear from Mirabel on Friday afternoon, learning that we had been successful in completing all the challenges and saving their house!

On Friday, we loved creating our own cakes to recognise the Queen and everything she had done for us during her 70 years of service. We talked about how it was ok to feel sad and worried, identifying who we could talk to if that was the case.

We cannot forget about our incredible start to PE, focusing on fundamental skills specifically developing our jumping skills: two feet to two feet. We loved the tackling our obstacle course, who knew it could be such fun?! Later in the week, we switched our focus to ball skills, practising our throwing and catching skills with a specific focus on accuracy. 

A poster containing 100 recommended reads for Year 1 children has been attached to this blog. By providing 100 quality texts at an age appropriate level, this list may be useful when choosing your child's next book. We hope it inspires the children to continue on in their reading journeys whilst further encouraging a lifelong love of books and stories.

It has been a real pleasure to welcome the children back this week and we look forward to making our learning journey an enjoyable and exciting year. Don’t forget to follow our Twitter account @Year1TSP to see our learning highlights throughout the week.

Well done for all of your hard work this week, Year 1! We can’t wait to see you on Monday. Have a brilliant weekend! 

Year 1 Reminders:

  • Please note that children may bring a small, healthy snack, such as fruit or a cereal bar, to eat at playtime. Please note that fruit or vegetable snacks are provided each day in school.
  • Children should bring a bottle into school containing water.
  • PE lessons will take place each Wednesday and Thursday during the Autumn Term. Please ensure that children come to school in their full PE kits.
  • We request that children's clothing is clearly labelled with their name, and if any clothing that is not your child's is taken home, please return it to school ASAP.
  • A letter regarding additonal contributions was sent out to parents last week, please can we ask for any contributions be sent to school by Friday 23rd September. Thank you!

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