Year 1 - Autumn 1 - Week 3

Date: 19th Sep 2022 @ 8:29pm


What a brilliant week of fun and learning well done, Year 1!

In Maths, we continued to explore our topic ‘Place Value’ carefully counting objects from larger groups. We practiced our 1 to 1 correspondence whilst answering a range of reasoning and problem-solving questions. We loved using our iPads to solve these questions on Seesaw.

In English, we explored a new book and developed our writing skills using a range of sources and genres with the help of our book!

On Wednesday we created our own gingerbread men as part of Jean for Genes day. We carefully mixed our ingredients together before cutting them and decorating them in their very own stylish jeans. We also decorated a class pair of jeans using a range of resources to make our own unique style!

On Friday, we sang our hearts out for our Harvest Service! We have loved learning these hymns over the past few weeks and certainly will miss dancing to the Harvest Samba, we hope you all had a little dance in church too!

This was not our only exciting adventure on Friday, after church we put on our walking shoes and ventured into the village to visit our local travel agents as part of our Geography topic. We loved learning about how they book holidays and even had a go ourselves, we were amazed to learn how many different countries we can travel to from the UK.

Year 1 Reminders

  • PE lessons will take place each Wednesday and Thursday during the Autumn Term. Please ensure children are dressed in their PE kits on these days.

  • Some children may initially take home the same reading books as they did last year, this is to ensure consolidation and fluency when reading. Please do not be worried about this.