Year 1 - Autumn 1 - Week 3

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 3:41pm



We have had another fantastic week in Year 1!

We had an exciting start to the week as we had the chance to take part in a circus skills workshop, we learned all about spinning plates, flowers stick tricks and even practiced some juggling! We were fascinated by the circus performers from Bring he Fire Project, their skills were incredible! We would all love to be part of the circus one day.

In Maths this week we have continued to develop our understanding of place value. This week we have focused on understanding how to count backwards. We have used concrete recourses throughout the week to support our understanding. We used small cubes to help us find one more and one less, we have also practiced counting backwards from 10 on a number line.

This week we began our History topic, learning all about Florence Nightingale. We read all about her life and how she helped soldiers in the Crimean War. Together we created a story map of her life in chronological order. We were so impressed by her resilience and kindness as she worked to make such ground-breaking changes to nursing. We were truly inspired by her achievements, and lots of us would love to be a nurse like her one day!

A poster containing 100 recommended reads has been attached to this blog. By providing 100 quality texts at an age-appropriate level, this may be useful when choosing your chiu8lds next book. we hope it inspires the children to continue on in their reading journeys whilst encouraging a love of stories.


  • On Wednesday 27th September, parents are invited to the KS1 workshop which will focus on reading fluency. Please click on the link in the letter to sign up.
  • Can you please ensure that any additional contributions are sent in before Friday 29th
  • Can reading folders be returned by Thursday each week, to ensure the children can go home with new books every Friday.

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