Year 1 - Autumn 1 - Week 4

Date: 28th Sep 2022 @ 9:05pm


We have had another fantastic week of learning here in Year 1 and we cannot wait to see what next week holds!

In Maths, we have continued to look at our topic Place Value and have been focusing on representing numbers in a range of different ways including number names. This week we looked at using our tens frames to help us, recognising patterns to help us create number sentences. Next week, we will look at counting on from a given number as well as one more and one less.

In English, we have continued to develop our Reading and Writing during our Phonics lessons. Each group has focused text and a writing goal each week whilst also incorporating their spelling and sound knowledge.

We loved learning about the 7 continents this week, thinking of a variety of actions to help us remember their names and specific information about each one. Next week, the 4 countries in the United Kingdom, focusing specifically on Northern Ireland.

During our RE lesson, we focused on Harvest and were shocked to hear about the problems faced by families across the world in countries like India where there has been flooding. We learnt that although we had a good Harvest, they did not, and this causes food shortages. We then wrote prayers to thank God for our Harvest this year and to remind us how lucky we are.

In Science, we had great fun labelling our partners with post it notes for their different body parts. We were amazing how many different parts we knew including our shins! After, we labelled our own bodies in our books. It was truly a fun lesson!

We were thrilled to drop everything on Monday and Tuesday and take part in our very own school Read-a-thon! Over the course of two days, we ensured that we filled our Read-a-thon session with books we loved to read as well as an epic retelling of the stroy Tyrannosaurus Drip by Julia Donaldson.

Year 1 Reminders

  • You will have all now received a letter regarding Parent Teacher Meetings on the 11th and 12th The booking link will go live on Monday 3rd October at 6pm.
  • Please ensure all clothes are clearly labelled should your children misplace them in school.
  • On Friday 14th October children will be permitted to wear their pyjamas, their own clothes, or their uniforms to support the wonderful Alder Hey charity. If you wish to donate, please do so on the following link