Year 1 - Spring 1 - Week 5

Date: 4th Feb 2022 @ 2:46pm


It has been a great week, here in Year 1! We have been busy transforming into authors, to write our own versions of “The Lion Inside”, by Rachel Bright and Jim Field and in Maths, we have been practising our number bonds and our addition and subtraction skills, solving a variety of problems. We have also enjoyed learning some new gymnastics shapes such as tuck, straddle, pike and dish, in our PE lessons. The fun continued when Year 1 celebrated Chinese New Year on Tuesday, for which they enjoyed making their own fortune cookies. The children also had a wonderful afternoon celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, making their own commemorative plates.

In Re this week, we listened to the bible story, ‘The Stilling of the Storm’. We discussed the characters and how they reacted to the events in the story. We identified that Jesus would have experienced very different emotions to his disciples and used a double bubble thinking map to make comparisons between Jesus and his disciples. We learned that Jesus was calm during the storm and expected the disciples to have faith in him. His ability to calm the storm showed the disciples how truly special he was.

Year 1 had a magical start to their week and, on Monday, returned to the classroom to find our reading corner had been transformed into an Enchanted Reading Forest. Twinkling stars, a tiny fairy door, a mysterious note and lots of storybooks could be found beneath the fairy light canopy. Year 1 could not contain their excitement and were eager to read the note that had been left for them. The note explained that our very own Reading Pixie had travelled through the door from “The Enchanted Reading Forest” and delivered us some of their favourite books. In the wood, lots of Reading Pixies have lost their sparkle and are no longer able to fly. Reading helps the pixies feel better and in order to help them to get their sparkle back, we must read lots of stories. Year 1 love reading and they are certainly up for the challenge. Throughout the week, the children have had the pleasure of picking one of the special storybooks to read at the end of the day and we can’t wait to read lots more stories next week. In the meantime, Year 1 are very excited to read even more stories at home, to make sure they continue to help the pixies, even when they aren’t in school.

As always, well done for your hard work Year 1! Have a wonderful weekend.


Year 1 Reminders

  • During Spring 1, PE will take place on a Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure children come to school in the correct PE kit on these days.
  • Children should bring only a small and healthy snack, such as fruit or a cereal bar, to have during their morning break time. Please ensure that grapes are cut in half.
  • This month's top book picks from 'Love Reading' have been released. It shares exciting new story books from a variety of authors for different age ranges.
  • Wednesday 9th February, 3:05 – 4:15pm – Y1 to Y3 Disco
  • If your child’s hair is shoulder length or longer, please ensure it is tied back.