Year 1 - Spring 2 - Week 1

Date: 25th Feb 2022 @ 3:28pm


Wow, what a wonderful start to our new half term! Year 1 have returned after the break, ready and raring to go and, as always, have been very busy. We have been learning about subtraction and taking on some more challenging problems, involving crossing 10, in Maths. In English, we have begun to explore our new text, “The Curious Case of the Missing Mammoth”, by Ellie Hattie, and have worked hard to create some fantastic writing about the events and characters in the story, being sure to use our super sentence features and, of course, our special joining word “and”! Amongst all this, we have loved developing our ball skills in preparation for our new unit on dodgeball, in PE, and have been very excited to continue on our Young Leaders journey.  

This week in RE, Year 1 listened to the story of “When Jesus Turns Water Into Wine”. We thought about how it would have felt to have witnessed this miracle and the significance of what Jesus did. We discussed that Jesus could perform miracles because he was God’s son and that made him special. We looked at lots of paintings of this bible story and noticed that the water jars from which Jesus poured the wine, were in all of the paintings. To help us to remember the story, we then used salt dough to make our own water jars, which we are going to decorate with colours of celebration and symbols that represent hope, happiness and love. 

As part of our Young Leaders Award, we continued to explore the effect of kindness and how it only takes a small act of kindness, for it to spread a long way and have a really significant impact! We used our yellow thinking hats to reflect on times when we have experienced kindness and been kind to others. We enjoyed sharing our own experiences and noticed that whilst we discussed them, it made us all smile and feel happy. This led us into a super discussion about how kindness has a long-lasting effect and the most important part of being kind is for the impact it will have. We then came up with a fantastic idea to spread kindness in secret. We wrote positive messages and kind words onto some green hearts and attached them to some yummy chocolate bars. The next part of our mission will involve us sneaking around the school and hiding the tasty treats for teachers to find. Although the recipients of our gifts and notes won’t know it was us, we agreed that it made us feel good to spread kindness, knowing that we made someone else smile! Big or small, visible or invisible, an act of kindness goes a long way and will always make all people involved feel good. As Young Leaders, we need to be the ones to inspire and teach others to be kind!

Well done for such a wonderful first week back, Year 1! Have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday.



Year 1 Reminders

  • During Spring 2, PE will continue to take place on a Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure children come to school in the correct PE kit on these days.


  • Children should bring only a small and healthy snack, such as fruit or a cereal bar, to have during their morning break time. Please ensure that grapes are cut in half.


  • Thursday 3rd March – World Book Day. If they wish to, children may dress up as a book character of their choice.