Year 1 - Spring 2 - Week 1

Date: 21st Feb 2024 @ 10:15am

What a fantastic first week back we have had! 
We began our week with our new RE topic 'Easter'. We explored features of Spring and discussed new life around us. We went on a beautiful Spring walk to hunt for signs of Spring, we were amazed by the sprouting plants in our outdoor areas. We loved looking for different varieties of flowers and took some pictures to give us inspiration! We discussed how nature is coming alive after sleeping through winter, and recreated this in a beautiful piece of artwork. We looked at various plants as they grow through the seasons, and picked our favourite to draw. We took so much inspiration from our wonderful outdoor areas! 
In DT this week we practiced some new skills by joining various materials. We explored the ways in which materials such as felt can be joined together using tools such as safety pins, staplers and glue! We had a go at developing our skills by trying each tool and discussing which one we prefer. We are extremely excited to continue developing these skills as we work on an exciting project!
In Maths this week we completed the last of our Addition and Subtraction within 20 topic, we consolidated our learning by using a variety of models to answer addition and subtraction sums. We used Part whole models, bar models and ten frames to support our understanding of addition and subtraction. We explored using number bonds to add and subtract as we looked for patterns, we learned how we can use our number bond facts to work out a variety of number sentences within 20. We then put this into practice as we completed lots of missing number problems! 
We began our new topic in Geography this week as we focused on France. Our topic 'Around the World' allows us to explore wonderful countries all around the world! We began by discussing the most famous landmarks, cuisine and traditions within the beautiful country of France! We created our own French flags using a variety of materials, and tried to recreate the Eiffel tower out of straws! We enjoyed exploring this and can't wait to learn much more about our wonderful world. 
Well done this week Year 1! Have a lovely weekend.