Year 1 - Spring 2 - Week 4

Date: 18th Mar 2022 @ 12:23pm


What a wonderful week we have had, here in Year 1! From exploring numbers to 50 and revisiting tens and ones in Maths, to planning our own versions of “The Curious Case of the Missing Mammoth” in English, we have had a very busy week. We have also loved being able to continue developing our Speed Stacking skills and had to use our school value of “Hope”, to believe in ourselves when learning the new 3-6-3 stack. As well as all this, we have had lots of fun celebrating two fantastic events this week; Red Nose Day and British Science Week.

In RE this week, we compared the Easter Story to the new life of Spring time. Making connections between the story and the life cycle of a butterfly, we likened the events of Good Friday, Jesus being laid to rest in a tomb, to the caterpillar making a chrysalis and resting inside. On Easter Sunday, Jesus rose, similar to the chrysalis opening and a butterfly emerging to begin its new life. We made our own life cycles to display the links between the events in the story and the life of a butterfly. 

This week, Year 1 were thrilled to be celebrating British Science Week and they were truly bubbling with excitement, exploring this year’s theme of “growth”. Year 1 were presented with a rather unusual question, “Can we make bubbles grow?” Using our black thinking hats, we shared our own experiences of bubbles, where we see them, what they are like and how we make them. We then agreed that in order to explore this question, we needed to actually make some bubbles! We used plastic bottles that were cut in half and covered with a sock.  After dipping the bottle into fairy liquid and water, we then blew through the top of the bottle. We watched in amazement as bubbles grew from out of the sock! Year 1 had so much fun making bubbles and exploring how different socks, strength of blowing and the direction of the bottle affected the bubbles. Year 1 particularly enjoyed the bubble growing competition, for which we had to grow joint bubbles with our shoulder partner!

Well done for another great week, Year 1! Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.



Year 1 Reminders

  • During Spring 2, PE will continue to take place on a Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure children come to school in the correct PE kit on these days.
  • Children should bring only a small and healthy snack, such as fruit or a cereal bar, to have during their morning break time. Please ensure that grapes are cut in half.
  • If your child’s hair is shoulder length or longer, please ensure it is tied back.
  • Wednesday 23rd March – Parent Teacher Meetings