Year 1 - Spring 2 - Week 5

Date: 21st Mar 2024 @ 4:49pm


We have had another fantastic week in Year 1!


This week began with a focus on length and height. In Maths we started to explore length, by looking at how long and short a variety of objects are. We used STAR vocabulary such as Length, Height, Longer and Shorter to describe different familiar objects. We had a go at comparing the length of classroom objects such as books, pens, and natural resources. This allowed us to practice using our STAR vocabulary before moving on to measuring. Our next step was to measure the length and height of objects using non-standard units of measurement. We enjoyed measuring our height by using cubes, we estimated how many cubes tall we might be, and then tested it out, we were shocked at how tall we were! 29 cubes long!  We then moved on to measure our favourite classroom toys and other resources using non-standard units of measurement such as paper clips, glue sticks and pens. Finally, we took our understanding of length and height and began measuring objects using standard units of measurement. We enjoyed this unit of work and demonstrated an excellent understanding of length and height.


In DT this week we completed our Puppets! We had so much fun during this project and are very proud of the skills we have developed over this half-term. We can’t wait to share our final products with you all!


To make the most of the wonderful weather this week, we explored our outside area this week as we planted more beautiful flowers, using our gardening skills to make our planting beds more colourful for the Spring! We demonstrated our SHINE values as we nurtured our outside by brushing the leaves and cleaning our most loved areas. We discussed how important it is to respect and care for our classroom environment and we did this with so much pride. We had so much fun taking part in continuous provision activities outside to enhance our learning throughout the week. We are so excited to explore the sunshine even more as the summer months begin!