Year 1 - Summer 1 - Week 4

Date: 13th May 2022 @ 1:43pm


Yet another fantastic week, here in Year 1! We have been busy making equal groups, in preparation for learning how to multiply and divide, and we have enjoyed planning a party, delicious meals included, for the characters in the story, “Toys in Space”. We have also enjoyed opening our magical toybox and dancing like different toys, in PE, and exploring the big question, “Is it better to be a child now than in the past?”, as part of this half term’s History unit.

In RE, Year 1 continued to develop their knowledge of baptism. The children had a fantastic lesson wearing their black thinking hats to recall all the facts they have learned about baptism. They then went on to draw and label a picture of a Christian baptism. There were some fantastic drawings and all the children worked so hard to recreate a Christian baptism, being sure to label all the key features, such as the holy candle and the font.

This week, in recognition of “Mental Health Week”, Year 1 have explored the theme of loneliness. Having read the story, “The Very Lonely Firefly”, by Eric Carle, we used our green thinking hats to have a wonderful discussion about the impact of loneliness and how it feels to be lonely. We used our yellow thinking hats to reflect on our own experiences of loneliness and shared the different things that helped us to feel better. It was from these discussions that we realised the importance of looking out for one another and how, by coming together, we can stop people feeling lonely. Inspired by Eric Carle’s story, we then made a class picture that included thirty dragonflies, each with a “light” made up of our fingerprints. This beautiful picture is now displayed on our wall, to remind us that we all have a part to play in making sure people don’t feel lonely. It only takes one person to approach someone sat by themselves, to make a big difference!   

Well done for such a wonderful week, Year 1! There has been so much hard work and lots of great learning. Have a lovely weekend!


Year 1 Reminders

  • During Summer 1, PE will continue to take place on a Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure children come to school in the correct PE kit on these days.


  • Children should bring only a small and healthy snack, such as fruit or a cereal bar, to have during their morning break time. Please ensure that grapes are cut in half.


  • Love Reading have chosen their 'top book picks' for April and May. More, highly-rated children's reads, from a variety of authors for different age ranges, are shared with us all to enjoy.


  • As the weather begins to get warmer, please ensure that children bring a water bottle to school.