Year 1 - Summer 2 - Week 2

Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 2:44pm


What a wonderful week it has been, here in Year 1! We have loved exploring our new focus text, “Goldilocks and Just the One Bear”, by Leigh Hodgkinson, in English and have been busy exploring the story setting to help us to create our own versions of “Princess Avenue”. We have been learning about positional language in Maths, dancing along to the “Cha Cha Slide”, to help us remember our left and right! As well as this, we’ve had an extra special visitor, taken to the golf course for our new PE unit, Tri-Golf, and continued to explore the importance of working together as a team, focusing on how all of the pieces in a team go together to make it work, for our Young Leaders Award.

In RE, Year 1 continued to focus on the story of Joseph and, this week, explored how forgiveness is an important lesson that we can take from the story. We recognised that Joseph’s brothers had treated him terribly and, for Joseph, it would be hard to forgive them for what they had done. We were pleased that Joseph was able to find it in his heart to forgive and agreed that it would have taken a lot for him to do so, after all that he had been through. We discussed the importance of forgiveness and used our yellow thinking hats to reflect on times that we have forgiven others and been forgiven ourselves. We then created hearts that revealed a hidden message of forgiveness. This showed us that everybody has the power in their hearts to forgive somebody for the mistakes they may have made, even if sometimes they may have to dig a little deeper to find forgiveness. We connected our discussions, surrounding forgiveness, to our school value of ‘Serve’, as we reflected on how showing forgiveness is following in the footsteps of Jesus.

We were so very lucky to have a visit from author, Sean Perkins, this week. Sean brought along his brand-new book, “Oscar and Ben”, which we loved listening to him read. To add to the excitement, the main characters, Oscar and Ben, were there to read the story with him too! They were VERY funny and a little cheeky, so they had us all laughing at their silliness. The story told us all about their adventures in their woodland den and we loved hearing what they got up to and the tricks they played on their friends. After listening to the story, we had the opportunity to ask Sean some questions. There were so many excellent questions such as “What made you want to become a writer?” and “Did you enjoy writing your story?” It was great to hear what Sean had to say and we were really interested to learn about his career.

Well done for a great week, Year 1! Have a lovely, sunny weekend and we will see you on Monday!


Year 1 Reminders

  • During Summer 2, PE will continue to take place on a Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure children come to school in the correct PE kit on these days.


  • Children should bring only a small and healthy snack, such as fruit or a cereal bar, to have during their morning break time. Please ensure that grapes are cut in half.


  • As the weather is getting warmer, please ensure children bring a water bottle to school.


  • Friday 24th June - Summer Fair