Year 2 - Autumn 1 - Week 4

Date: 1st Oct 2023 @ 3:15pm


Where has this half term gone, four weeks down three to go!

On Tuesday, we were delighted by the arrival of the ‘Big Top Circus’. We loved watching the tent being erected and discussed what exciting treasures and people might have been hiding inside! The feedback from those that attended, was that the show was magnificent and that the treats were delicious!

In Maths, we finished off our topic, Place Value by focusing on identifying numbers on a number line to 100. After, using the language and associated symbols, children compared numbers stating if they were ‘less than’, ‘greater than’ and equal to each other. Next week, we will develop our understanding if the 2s,5s, 10s- and 3-times table before moving onto Addition and Subtraction.

In RE we reflected on the importance of the Bible again and revisited a range of stories from the Bible. After, we listened to the story of Mary Jones, an extraordinary little girl who changed History by enabling more people, from all backgrounds, to have access to the Bible.

In Geography, we recapped the 7 continents and 5 oceans before discussing how the world has an equator, and how that affects the countries around it!

In PE, we continued to develop our ball skills, this time practicing our dribbling. We carefully focused on moving the ball with our feet, with little controlled passes, before stopping the ball quickly and accurately. On Wednesday, we were fortunate to have a dance lesson from Formby High School, using the soundtrack from the Lion King. Over the next few weeks, we will continue to develop this dance, with the hope that the children will feel confident to perform in front of their parents.

We were fortunate enough to attend the Year 5 Harvest assembly on Friday at St Peter’s Church in support of Southport Foodbank. The Year 5 children were incredible and should be very proud.


  • Please be reminded that PE days for Year 2 are on a Monday and a Wednesday, please can children be in full PE uniform for these days. More information regarding uniform can be found on the website.
  • All parents should have received a letter regarding Parent Teacher Meetings. The booking system will go live on Monday 9th October and will close on Friday 13th These meetings are to discuss how your child has settled into Year 2. Should you wish to discuss anything else, please contact Miss Jones, where an alternative meeting can be arranged.