Year 2 - Autumn 1 - Week 7

Date: 20th Oct 2023 @ 2:46pm


What a brilliant final week of half term we have had, we certainly have earned the rest!

In Maths, we continued with our topic on Addition and Subtraction, which we will continue with after half term. We focused on developing our understanding of numbers by linking our number knowledge for bonds to 10, to 100.

In Science, we completed a range of experiments to explore firstly, if we all grow the same, and secondly, why exercise and a healthy diet is important. We started, by connecting our learning back to previous lessons, and identifying the stages of a human life cycle. After, we discussed how we are all different, and how, although we all grow up, we don’t grow the same. To do this, we explored the size of our peers’ feet, and were shocked to find that they were all different sizes! After, we explored how exercise changes our body physically and identified that by getting our hearts pumping harder and faster then, as a result, it gets stronger, and we get healthier!

In RE, we finished off our topic on the Bible, by first exploring another religion’s Holy book, the Torah in Judaism. We learnt why they find it special and also the special rituals they complete before they read it each week.

We had our final dance lesson with the wonderful Mrs Whitehead from Formby High School. We have loved these lessons, developed our dancing skills whilst simultaneously working as a team. It has been wonderful to watch the children develop and fingers crossed, we will have a visit from Mrs Whitehead again in the Spring!

From all of the team here in Year 2, we hope you have a wonderful half term!


  • Our PE days will remain the same for Autumn 2 taking place on a Monday and a Wednesday.
  • Please explore the class Virtual Classroom and Oxford Owl over the holidays.

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