Year 2 - Autumn 2 - Week 4

Date: 24th Nov 2023 @ 4:45pm

What a fantastic week we have had! 

This week in Maths, we have focused on subtracting 2-digit numbers from 2-digit numbers by exchanging tens for ones using Base Ten. It has been a tricky concept to get our heads around, however, with perserverance we have powered on have not given up. Next week, we will recap this concept once more before moving onto our next topic. 

We started our DT project this week by first understanding stability. To do this, we used a card and plastercine to determine which shape would stay on a peice of card, tilted, at the highest point. We soon figured out that sphere would not stay on the card for very long as it had not flat faces, however, the pyramid was the best shape! We talked about how this is because it had more points touching the card. After this we looked how we could make resources stronger and stiffer in order to reinforce our structures and make it more stable. We identfied that a cyclinder was the best shape for this, testing our theroy by piling books onto top with the results showing that the cyclinder could hold an incredible 34 books compared to the cuboids 13! We then took this once step further by investigating if more 'legs' made or structures more stable, and, we were right! Together, we found that the more legs we had meant the more books we could support. Over the next few weeks, we will use this knowledge to build Baby Bear a new chair. 

We finished off our Science topic this week, by investigating which material would keep Humpty Dumpty safe and also be comfortable to wear. Using a mixture of materials, we dropped Humpty (a boiled egg) from a great height and found that the soft material such as fabric protected our egg, and was comfier, compared to wood and metal! 

In PE we have focused on developing our breathing in Yoga and have loved making different shapes based on animals around the world. We cannot wait to carry on this topic over the next few weeks. 

You have all worked really hard this week Year 2, well done!