Year 2 - Spring 1 - Week 6

Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 3:51pm

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We have had another hard-working week  in Year 2!

In RE, we finished off our topic ‘Jesus, friend to everyone’ by recapping exactly why Jesus was  a friend to everybody. We linked this to  our ‘Nurture’ value. We then looked at stories of how kind Jesus was and then wrote about how these people would have felt and how we could be more like Jesus in the future.

In English, we read our new story called ‘Traction Man’. We looked at all of the amazing costumes which he wore and described them with some incredible noun phrases. By the end of the week, we had rewritten the story with our own superheroes. After half term, we will be starting our brand-new story ‘Major Glad and Major Dizzy’, information about this can be found on our virtual classroom.

In Maths, we have been concentrating on our 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We looked at the different ways in which we can represent this and how it is possible to show these in different ways. On our virtual classroom, there are multiple ways in which you can support your child with this and the other areas  we have covered in our Maths lessons.

This week, we celebrated Safer Internet Day, where we looked at the importance of staying safe on the internet. The children then created their own safety posters about why they need to stay safe. If you would like any further information about this, please see the Online Safety section of the school website or click here. This linked in well with our Computing Day, where we created our own game of Charades using Scratch. The children loved working together to see if they could trick the other members of their table. It was amazing to see their creativity throughout this.

In History, we finished our topic ‘What is life like as the Queen of England?’ We further researched the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and looked back at her Diamond Jubilee. The children then wrote a postcard to a family member to describe what it would have been like if they saw the Queen at her Diamond Jubilee. In Science, we continued to look at plants and researched the life cycle of a seed.

In Music, we have continued to love working with Miss Dilworth and our challenging song ‘Family Madrigal’. I’m sure they are all practising and you are loving hearing this at home. This will continue after half term.

In Art, we have continued to look at paper, including  making different things out of it,  we created some bracelets using straws. The children really enjoyed this challenge and it was lovely to see their creativity.

We were fortunate to have an author visit us this week. Luke Temple came into school and delivered a wonderful assembly which really inspired the children and captured their imagination.

Finally, we would all like to say a massive thank you and goodbye to Miss Ahmed who has been teaching us over the past ten weeks. We have all thoroughly enjoyed our lessons and we will all really miss her.

I hope you have a lovely, relaxing half term and look forward to seeing you when we get back.

Year 2 Reminders

  • Please ensure that children’s hair is tied up if it is longer than shoulder length. This is because cleanliness of hair is paramount.
  • Children’s recorders are to be brought in every Monday for our recorder sessions. If your child would like to take home a recorder, they can be purchased from the school office.
  • Your child should bring their own water bottle filled with water into school each day. Children are to bring in one snack to eat at playtime.  
  • Our PE days are: Monday and Thursday.

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