Year 2 - Spring 2 - Week 1

Date: 21st Feb 2024 @ 12:59pm


And just like that, we are half way through the year!

The children have had an excellent start to the second part of the Spring Term and have persevered in everything they have done.

In English, we started the week by exploring the STAR vocabulary that we would find in our new story; ‘Major Glad and Major Dizzy’ by Jan Oke. We discovered that some of the vocabulary was quite dated, which means that it was used more frequently in the past, to help us understand the words further we found words with the same or similar meaning. Later in the week, we explored progressive verbs and using the images in the book to write a series of sentences to describe what was happening on the different pages.

In Maths, we continued with our topic ‘Multiplication and Division’, exploring the 2, 5, and 10 times table. The children also explored doubling and halving numbers linking this to their 2 times table. To finish the week, we explored odd and even numbers identifying how they link to the 2 times table. Next week, we will explore the 5- and 10-times table as well as dividing by these numbers. This will be our last week on Multiplication and Division.

In DT we started our new topic, ‘Mechanisms: Fairground Wheel’. The children started by exploring a series of images of objects with wheels and identified how the wheels were attached as well as what they needed to move and rotate. After, they  were introduced to their project, they are going to make their own Fairground Wheel! Looking at a series of fairground wheels, the children identified the different parts; a wheel, pods, seats and an axel, to name a few. They then began designing their own, labelling it carefully.

In RE we commenced our study of Easter and discussed how Easter has many symbols such as the cross, Easter eggs and the Easter Bunny which represents it clearly. We discussed how the Easter story itself starts much earlier than Easter weekend and started by breaking the story down into smaller chunks. This week we focused on the middle part of the story, The Last Supper. We reflected on the story and identified that the symbols we can take from it are; bread and wine, which symbolise Jesus's body and blood.



  • PE days continue to be on a Monday and Thursday, please arrive at school in your full PE kit.
  • Recorder lessons take place every Monday, children need to bring their own recorder to school each week. Unfortunately we do not have spares, if your child does not have one, they will not be able to take part in the lesson. Recorders can be purchased on School Spider.