Year 2 - Spring 2 - Week 1

Date: 25th Feb 2022 @ 4:08pm

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Welcome back! It was lovely to see all of your happy, smiling faces coming back into school this week.

As always, we have had such a hard-working week here in Year 2! We have been learning how to draw and interpret tally charts and pictograms in Maths. In Art, we explored portraits and compared and contrasted them by studying them in detail and in Music, we were lucky enough to have Mrs McCardle back in, teaching us some brand-new notes on the recorder. For our PSHE session, we looked at the importance of staying healthy and created our own ‘stay healthy’ posters.

Linking in with our Collective Worship value of ‘Joy’, this week, we discussed what gives us joy and designed our own jars of happiness. We also linked it to our school value of ‘Nurture’, understanding that showing kindness towards others will bring both us and our friends joy. We then created our own kindness notes to a member of our class to really show them exactly how they bring joy into our lives. We decided that joy is a really important part of our lives and that we should try our hardest to spread joy, which will help us also feel it ourselves.

In RE, we started our new topic, ‘Easter: How do symbols help us to understand the story?’. We looked at symbols that are linked with Easter and the meanings behind them. The children were really engaged throughout this and enjoyed asking lots of questions about the symbols.

In English this week, we started to look at the history of toys. The children really enjoyed looking at the changes that had been made and realised how lucky they were to have the toys they do. We then started our new story ‘Major Glad, Major Dizzy’. We investigated the front cover and then played ‘I Spy’ by looking at the images and deciding what the soldiers were doing. Thank you all for bringing in a toy for your child to write about. The children were so engaged with this and loved describing their favourite toys. I know that the children are really looking forward to reading the story and learning what adventures Major Glad and Major Dizzy go on.


I hope you all have a lovely weekend and are ready for another hard-working week next week!

Year 2 Reminders

  • World Book Day is on Thursday 3rd March. Your child can come into school dressed as a book character if they choose so.
  • Please ensure that children’s hair is tied up if it is longer than shoulder length. This is because cleanliness of hair is paramount.
  • Children’s recorders are to be brought in every Monday for our recorder sessions. If your child would like to take home a recorder, they can be purchased from the school office.
  • Your child should bring their own water bottle filled with water into school each day. Children are to bring in one healthy snack, such as fruit or a cereal bar, to eat at playtime.  
  • Our PE days are: Monday and Thursday.