Year 2 - Spring 2 - Week 2

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 3:22pm

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What an eventful week this week in Year 2!

As always, we have continued to work hard here in Year 2! We have been recapping our prior learning in both Maths and English. It has been lovely seeing the children showcasing their knowledge and how much they have progressed through the year. In Music, Mrs McCardle was in again teaching us another new note on the recorders and we also had the amazing Miss Dilworth back in teaching us ‘The Family Madrigal’ from Encanto and a brand-new song, ‘Roar’ by Katy Perry. In RE, we revisited the Easter story and looked at how Jesus would have been feeling when he was sacrificing himself. In Geography, we looked at what we would and wouldn’t take with us if we visited Kenya. The children were really creative with this and come up with some amazing ideas and in PE, we moved on to sending and receiving using a football.

This week, we started our brand-new Collective Worship value of ‘Sacrifice’. We discussed the meaning of sacrifice and what it means to make a sacrifice. We also linked this into sacrifices that we would make ourselves in every day life and linked this in with the start of Lent.

On Thursday, to celebrate World Book Day, Year 2 showed their creative sides by coming in dressed as their favourite story characters. From Little Red Riding Hood to Gangsta Granny, we really did have it all. Explaining why they had chosen their characters, we drew our characters down and explained exactly why these are our favourites. The children also took part in a 'guess the story' quiz, allowing them to use their problem-solving skills to determine which stories were being described. This afternoon, we designed our own front covers for our own brand-new stories using the characters that we were dressed as. We then wrote our own opening to the stories allowing the children to use their creative sides. The children loved reading these out. To end our day, we completed a draw a long, drawing The Cat in the Hat. It was amazing to see their final products and how proud they were. We all had such a lovely day here in Year 2! Thank you all for putting so much time and effort into the children’s costumes.

We have also been celebrating Fair trade fortnight and the importance of understanding why it is important to buy products that are Fair trade. Together, we created our very own banana split, using only Fair trade products. The children showed a really strong understanding of the importance of using Fair trade produce and all promised that they would keep a lookout for the Fair trade logo when they go shopping with their grown-ups.

I hope you all have an amazing, restful weekend and come in next week ready for a hard-working week.

Year 2 Reminders

  • On Monday at 18:00, parents evening appointments open for you to book onto. The days are Wednesday 23rd and Wednesday 30th.
  • Please ensure that children’s hair is tied up if it is longer than shoulder length. This is because cleanliness of hair is paramount.
  • Children’s recorders are to be brought in every Monday for our recorder sessions. If your child would like to take home a recorder, they can be purchased from the school office.