Year 2 - Spring 2 - Week 4

Date: 18th Mar 2022 @ 2:44pm



What a wonderful week of learning in Year 2!

Unfortunately, this week Mr. Houghton has been poorly so Miss Sharp has been teaching us and what a week we’ve had!

In English, we have continued our work on apostrophe’s, hid under our tables to imagine what it would be like to be stuck under the floorboards like Major Glad and Major Dizzy in our text, and even had the chance to control our teacher making a jam sandwich using Imperative Verbs! We have focused on including conjunctions and using our senses to develop our writing skills and our sentences are becoming more complex because of it.

Our Maths lessons have been very eventful as well! We have taken shape drawing outside onto the number square in the playground to understand how to use the grid lines in our books, worked with partners to make our own symmetrical shapes, painted half of a paper butterfly before folding them in half to see the whole shape and made a human sorting grid to categorise our 2D shapes.

We had our usual Music lessons with Mrs. McCardle and Miss Dilworth for recorders and singing. We’re having so much fun beginning to learn about how a harmony works alongside a melody and some of us even performed recorder solo’s! In R.E, we looked at the Paschal candle and designed our own after learning what the different elements of the design represent. We enjoyed Geography with Mrs. Brunyee and continued working on our project thinking about the landscape and climate in Kenya. Our PE included an over/under competition where we learned that sometimes taking our time and doing things accurately means that we are more likely to succeed in our task than if we rush.

On Friday we celebrated Red Nose Day, some of us wore red noses and boppers. We spoke about how laughter can be the best medicine and thought about times when laughter has helped us overcome a challenge. It was also World Science Week this week, to celebrate the theme of Growth we ventured outside to make friends with some trees, learning about how we can tell an old tree from a young tree and how they are always growing.

Miss Sharp and Miss Edwards would like to thank the children for their hard work this week and can’t wait to see you all safe and well on Monday!